EPOCYL™ 128-06

CNT Bis-A epoxy resin concentrate for high mechanical performances

  • Liquid
  • Metallic drum

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Family EPOCYL™
Sector(s) Sport Goods
Energy Production
Material(s) Thermosets
CFRP composites
Matrix Bisphenol-A epoxy
Propertie(s) Crack resistance
Electrical conduction
Electrical dissipation
Compression after impact
Delamination resistance
Impact resistance
CNT Loading (wt.%) N/A
Packaging(s) Metallic drum
Shape(s) Liquid
Technical Data Sheet EPOCYL™ 128-06 – Technical Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet EPOCYL™ 128-06 – Safety Data Sheet


EPOCYL™ 128-06 is a masterbatch based on liquid Bisphenol-A (Bis-A) epoxy resin containing high concentration of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) produced by Nanocyl. It is specifically developed to enhance the mechanical properties (especially delamination resistance) of final fiber reinforced composite materials. Feature easy integration and great flexibility in design of new multifunctional materials.

Key Applications

  • Automotive (bumpers and other structural parts)
  • Marine, especially sailing boats (structural outer shell in carbon fiber composite, masts and other generic structural parts)
  • Industrial parts (rollers, doctor-blades and wind-mill blades)
  • Sporting equipment (bike frames, hockey sticks, tennis rackets, skis and golf shafts)


  • Main direct advantages (demonstrated in specific final formulation)
    • Improved fracture toughness initiation (G1C)
    • No reduction of the Tg
  • Additional advantages in general
    • Better thermal dissipation: avoids hot-spots during curing, more homogenous temperature
    • Better surface finishing: avoids surface defects
    • Better thermal cycle resistance