Privacy Policy

1. This is about Protecting personal data

Nanocyl S.A. (Nanocyl) is firmly committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal data. This Data Protection Notice explains how we use and protect personal data when you:

  • visit our website;
  • give us your contact details; or
  • correspond with us, including via the contact form displayed on our website.

The processing of information relating to identified or identifiable natural persons (“personal data”) collected through this website or otherwise received by Nanocyl, such as through e-mails, business cards, fax, correspondence or registration forms, is subject to EU Regulation 2016/679 (the General Data Protection Regulation) and any national implementing or complementing rules and regulations in Belgium. The Belgian Data Protection Authority supervises compliance with the applicable data protection laws.

2. Which information do we collect?

Nanocyl may, through its website, collect certain information relating to users who visit its website and may, solely for internal purposes, track how users make use of its website. The information collected through the website includes the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, computer and connection information such as browser type and version, operating system, as well as Uniform Resource Locators (URL) click stream to, through, and from our website, including date and time.

In addition, Nanocyl may collect and process information of persons who contact us (including job applicants), through the website, e-mail or internet-based services. This information may include: the contact details and other information on business cards, CVs and in electronic signatures, IP addresses, e-mail addresses, passwords and information provided by the person registering for the event, and whether you have read the newsletter.

In some cases, your information may be complemented or updated with publicly available information to ensure your contact details and professional information is up to date.

Nanocyl is not the only one to collect certain information to users. Google may also collect information to make some statistics

Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”) and enables, for examples, to obtain the following information:

  • the percentage of visitors visiting the site from a mobile device (smartphone or tablet
  • where do visitors come from (referring websites) ;
  • the geographical location of visitors;
  • how long visitors stayed on pages;

Google utilizes the Data collected to track and examine the use of this Application, to prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google services.

Google may use the Data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.

Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data.

3. How and why do we use your data?

Your personal data are only used to the extent that this is required to pursue the following legitimate interests:

  • to ensure the security of the website;
  • to improve the website’s content and compile statistics on the use of the website;
  • public relations, including the promotion and defence of interests of Nanocyl, its members and the industry;
  • to ensure legal compliance, investigate fraud or infringements and establish, defend or exercise legal claims; and/or
  • to maintain a contact database of our members and external contacts.

If requested by you, or with your consent, we may also use your personal data (consent may be assumed for existing members):

  • to process your queries efficiently;
  • to contact you for the purpose of providing information on our products and our activities and developments; and/or
  • to process your job application.

If you have consented to such processing of your personal data, you have the right to withdraw such consent at any time. Please see below for how to withdraw your consent.

4. To whom can we disclose your data?

Nanocyl relies on third parties to host and provide technical support for its website. In the context of these services, and only to the extent that this is necessary for the service they provide, these third parties may have access to the personal data processed by Nanocyl for the aforementioned purposes.

Under certain circumstances, Nanocyl may need to disclose personal data to public authorities for the purposes as mentioned above, including to comply with regulatory or legal requirements.

5. How can you manage/access/delete your data?

You have the right to access your data, have us update outdated information or correct any errors in your data or, if necessary, delete such data or request that we restrict the use thereof.

In addition, you can exercise your rights by sending an email to Please note that we may ask for additional information to ascertain your identity before we comply with your request. If we cannot remedy your concern, you can contact the Belgian Data Protection Authority with questions or concerns relating to the protection of your personal data.

6. Right to object to direct marketing

Nanocyl can use your personal data to provide you information and marketing materials related to its products and industry or invite you to events. You have the right to, at any time, object to such processing for direct marketing purposes by sending an email to

7. How long do we keep your data?

Data about your browsing our website will be kept only for the duration of the session. However, cookies may last longer on your device so we can identify you upon your next visit (see, Cookie Notice).

Registrations for events will be kept until after the event.

Other personal data that we have will be retained for the duration that is relevant for the purpose as set out above, in accordance to internal retention periods, taking into account contractual or legal obligations and liability that we may have to keep records of our files.

8. How to contact us

By e-mail: