ELASTOCYL™ X1-Polyester Polyol MB

Multiwall carbon nanotube dispersion in Polyester Polyol

  • Liquid
  • Metallic drum

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Sector(s) Industrial - ESD parts
Industrial - Moving parts
Fatigue elements
Material(s) Elastomers
Matrix Polyester Polyol
Propertie(s) Electrical dissipation
Temperature resistance
Abrasion resistance
UV resistance
Black tinting
Young modulus
Crack resistance
Electrical conduction
CNT Loading (wt.%) N/A
Packaging(s) Metallic drum
Shape(s) Liquid
Technical Data Sheet ELASTOCYL™ X1-Polyester Polyol MB – Technical Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet ELASTOCYL™ X1-Polyester Polyol MB – Safety Data Sheet


  • ELASTOCYL™ is a family of multiwall carbon nanotubes masterbatches and compounds for
    applications requiring high performances.
  • ELASTOCYL™ X1-Polyester Polyol MB is high performance difunctional, aliphatic, polyester polyol masterbatch.

Key Applications

  • ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) and electrically conductive parts
  • Automotive, Railway, Industrials, Energy


  • Excellent electrical conductivity at low loading
  • Excellent surface finish
  • Improvements of key mechanical properties (abrasion resistance,…)
  • Ease of processing
  • No skid mark